We currently run a wonderful after school club at The Art Room for ages 8-12. It happens on Wednesdays from 4 – 5.15pm- term time only. The age range is a guideline not a rule (pretty much true of everything at The Art Room!) – so do give me a shout here if you have an interested child.

The purpose of The Art Room is to provide everyone who comes in with a beautiful, welcoming, safe place to get creative and explore their materials and themselves while learning through experimentation and play.

Over the course of a term, art group members will have the opportunity to try out a range of materials and projects. As well as drawing and sketching we will paint, sculpt, print, collage, model and anything else that takes our fancy. Everyone who joins in will be encouraged to follow their own interests and break the rules as much as they like. At the Art Room we believe that creativity comes out of feeling free to try out new things and to go off on tangents, so while there is guidance for those who want it, there is also endless freedom and encouragement for those that don’t.

Click on the link below to book. Bookings are for half a term at a time and all materials are included in the price.