03 30th June – Beginning Drawing (6 weeks)


Sundays 10am – 12pm from 30th June – 4th August (inclusive)

This drawing course is run by Roger Towndrow – former Head of Art at Falmouth University – and is aimed at building confidence in beginners. Roger takes a playful approach to exploring all the key elements of drawing practice, starting the first session with some fun and useful warm up exercises (great for those times when you get that fear of the blank page!), and then an informal visual exploration of The Art Room.

In the sessions to come Roger will introduce basic characteristics of drawing with demos, and/or examples of work, accompanied by  ‘free’ drawing time when students can develop their work in whatever way they wish – drawing from objects in the room, working imaginatively or working from photos. During this time Roger will help with ideas, materials and techniques and finish off with informal chats about the work you have produced and any issues arising from the sessions. All materials will be provided, but if you would like to bring your own basic drawing kit and sketchbook, then please do.

The core elements of drawing over the six weeks will be:

  • Line/Contour/Expression
  • Tone/light
  • Composition/viewpoint
  • Space/perspective
  • Scale/size.

If you are unable to make all the sessions, it is possible to book in to individual weeks – email [email protected] to sort.

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